SCAC Codes

A vital part of setting up your trucking company is having a SCAC code. These codes are labeled on shipping containers. They're usually either two or four letters long. The last letter indicates the specific purpose of the container. For example, certain railway cars have an "X" at the end of the code. Truck chassis and trailers have a "Z" at the end of the code. This is vital to have because it ensures the container can be efficiently transported in the area where your trucks can pick them up and load them. Without them, you won't know what container is yours. Setting up your SCAC code isn't always easy. We can help. Receiving a SCAC code involves registering for one. This needs to be done annually as well. We can help you file for a SCAC code and also remind you when it's time to apply for another one.

It can also be hard to keep all of your numbers together. We can also assist with that. We make keeping track of all your records easier.

Without a SCAC code, your company won't be able to function. It could take weeks to find your merchandise without it. If you deal with a lot of seaports or railway depots, then you're going to face even more delays. Containers constantly flood those areas. Trying to find the one that belongs to your company is nearly impossible.

We'll refer you to a professional company who can help you establish your SCAC code to let your drivers quickly find their container and get on the road.