If you want to make your trucking business efficient, then you need to get set-up with BNSF. They provide a network of railroads all across the United States. They've been making headway as one of the go-to businesses for transport and freight. Part of that reason is that they tailor a few different services to their clients. An example is their ability to offer both an expedited service and an affordable service. Those who have the budget to burn will want to take part in their expedited service. Their transit times allow them to transport cargo an average of 800 miles a day. That means your goods can reach you faster, and you can have them delivered even faster. If you don't have the budget to burn, then you can still receive great service. Their more affordable option promises an average of 600 miles of transport a day. That may only be a small difference for some individuals while raking in a large amount in savings. They continuously innovate their services. To ensure their railways and delivery systems are top-notch, they have instituted new technology that allows their drivers to reach their facility, drop off their shipments, and pick up new shipments in just 30 minutes. Their extensive network is another reason to get set up with BNSF. The network covers over 96% of the population. This allows your trucks to pick up containers and goods practically anywhere in the country. It also means you may have a hub point closer to you than you realize.

Joining BNSF isn't easy. It requires several checks and steps. We can recommend you to a professional company who can assist to ensure you match the standards that the BNSF requires. Some of their requirements include:

• MC number
• Carrier contact information
• Submission of W9
• Provide certification of insurance of $100,000 cargo and $1,000,000 auto
• RMIS copy of certificate
• Safety rating must be none or satisfactory
• Must have active common or contract authority
• Must be financially stable

There are a few other requirements as well.

Choosing to use BNSF to ship your containers means you're choosing reliability and efficiency. BNSF has continuously been awarded the fastest carrier by the Association of American Railroads. When you need your containers to be shipped efficiently, then you know that you're in good hands. They also handle time-sensitive transportations. Whether it's temperature-controlled or LTL, BNSF has the experience to ship them reliably. You don't have to worry about your orders becoming damaged or losing their shelf life because they're forced to be transported in inappropriate containers.

There are a few benefits you'll experience with BNSF, too. The first is that it can decrease the wear and tear on your equipment. Hauling over long distances can perform substantial damage to your vehicles. Allowing BNSF to handle the longer treks frees up your trucks for shorter distances and makes them last longer. It can also benefit your drivers. Few drivers want to be so far away from home. To improve driver retention, you can use BNSF to handle long treks and reserve shorter drives for your drivers. They still get paid, are able to make it home more often, and your long treks are handled efficiently by BNSF. You also can benefit by tapping into their vast network. With their long reach, you can access new markets that might have been impossible for you before.