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April 3, 2022

ICC Filings

There are several different forms that you need to file in order to be a legal for-hire carrier. We can make knowing which types of paperwork you need to fill out and file easier. One filing type that you may need to consider is ICC filing. ICC filing is required for trucks of all types and sizes that intend to move across state lines. There are a few exceptions to the rule, but the majority of commercial for-hire trucks and trailers will require an ICC in order to haul. In addition to ICC, you\’ll need to have the appropriate insurance. Anything that has a gross weight of 10,000 pounds or lower can take a standard […]
April 2, 2022

Driver Qualification Files

It can be difficult to keep all of your driver\’s files and records updated and on-hand. In order to keep your business compliant with the DOT regulations, your records need to be accessible and have the latest information on them. It\’s not easy to do this on your own. We can recommend a professional company to help you with that. Some of the files that we can help you store and keep updated include: • Driver employment application • Performance history • Motor vehicle reports • Service hours In order to keep your records straight, your drives are responsible for logging a lot of information. That information is then passed onto you. Depending on how […]
March 31, 2022


Before the IFTA, fleets had to manually keep track of fuel expenses, miles traveled in each state, and obtain permits to carry in each state. It required several hours of clerical work and cost fleet managers tons of money. As a means to make the process more efficient and affordable for fleet managers, the IFTA was created. The IFTA, or International Fuel Tax Agreement, is an agreement between 48 states and 10 provinces in Canada. Instead of paying taxes in every state as they travel, fleet managers are able to pay their fuel taxes under the single fuel tax license. Why is the IFTA Necessary? The IFTA saves time and money. Before it was made, […]
April 1, 2020

Clearing House

Before you hire a driver, you are required to first query the Drug and Alcohol Clearing House. This is a program that allows employers to check whether or not prospective employees have past violations. In some cases, they may have been released from their employment due to a violation. Yet when interviewed, they did not make you aware of the existing violations. The Clearing House can uncover that for you. It\’s kept updated by safety officers and others who find employees in violation of the FMCSA policies over the use of drugs and alcohol on the road. The FMCSA requires all employers to annually check the records of their drivers in the Clearing House program. […]

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