Non-Trucking Auto Liability Insurance

It is very important for owner-operators to understand that their auto insurance policy does not provide complete coverage for the truck if they are involved in an accident when the truck is not in operation.

There are times when you are moving your truck around without a trailer. You may be heading home for the night with your truck, running to get gas and snacks while you are waiting for a trailer to be loaded, or in the warehouse, yard not yet connected to a trailer. If your bobtail is involved in an accident at any of these times, you may not have the right insurance protection.

Non-trucking auto liability insurance or bobtail insurance, is a type of policy designed to protect you and your truck when you are not moving freight. This policy protects you from being sued in the event of an accident when you are operating without a trailer. These policies carry the same, or close to the same, coverages as your regular auto policy.

Is Bobtail Insurance All I Need To Get License Plates?

No. bobtail or non-trucking auto liability insurance is not enough coverage to get your plates for your truck. You must have a full liability auto policy on your truck that includes the trailer to get plates. Bobtail insurance is an add-on policy that helps protect you from large expenses if you are involved in an accident when you are not pulling a trailer.

How Much Do These Policies Run?

There will be many factors considered when determining the cost of your policy. Some of these factors will include:

• Driving record of the applicant
• Past claims against this type of policy
• Amount of the coverage you desire
• Deductibles chosen
• Depending on the insurance provider, the age of the driver may also impact costs

Trucking insurance can be a complex issue, especially if you want to have the best coverage at an affordable price. If you are interested in bobtail insurance, speak with an agent at VMC Trucking Insurance to determine what policies are right for your needs.

Points To Remember About Non-Trucking Liability Insurance

• This insurance only covers the bobtail when the truck is not in service or under dispatch. • Fueling or driving your truck in for maintenance may be considered using it for business. • If you are operating the bobtail for any money-making task, this policy will not cover an accident.

Speak With VMC Trucking Insurance About Your Insurance Needs

VMC Trucking Insurance is an insurance company that is dedicated to servicing the trucking industry. We offer policies for independent truck drivers, carriers, and freight brokers. If you are in need of any type of trucking industry insurance policy, we can help.

Our agents are always ready to answer your questions and help you pick the right insurance policies for your company. We are dedicated to providing the best coverage at the most affordable rates. When you need trucking insurance, VMC Trucking is your best option.

VMC Trucking Insurance is based in Illinois and offers policies in the following states: AL, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, IA, IN, LA, MD, MN, MT, NC, NV, NJ, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, TX, VA, VT, WA, and WI. VMC Trucking Insurance has been actively selling policies for over five years and currently works with over carriers. Speak with one of our reps today to see how we can help you.

To schedule a consultation, please call us at (833) 346-4455